Sabbath: September 21, 2024
Scripture Reading: Psalms 97
Memory Verse:
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, to rejoice is “to give joy” or “to feel joy or great delight,” The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord. The Scripture then conveys that to rejoice in the Lord is to have joy or delight in the Lord; to feel joy when one thinks of Him and His great mercy and kindness. One can only rejoice if he possesses joy which comes from inside; it has to do with stability and a state of mind and is not dependent on circumstances. That state of mind will enable the saints to endure hardship with rejoicing and to display a positive attitude in all circumstances. The saints must choose to rejoice in order to experience the joy God promises. Knowing that this life itself is a test and trial that one must overcome in order to inherit eternal life; the saints will face life circumstances with rejoicing and in full assurance that if they remain faithful, God’s promises for eternity will come to pass. In addition, the word of God gives assurance that the saints can bear all things for He will make a way of escape. As such, we rejoice in good times and bad times with the same gusto and fervour. The saints must keep rejoicing because suffering as a Christian gives evidence of their union with Christ. When the saints continually rejoice in the midst of suffering, it shows that God, and nothing else, is the great source of their joy.
Godly happiness is called joy. In the Bible, the word joy is a celebration term. Real joy is not getting what we want to be happy but in realizing that by God’s grace and mercy we receive salvation while we deserve judgment. For such, we ascribe glory to God. When we glorify God, it shows by our actions and attitudes that He is glorious to us, that He is valuable, precious, desirable and satisfying. The greatest and most appropriate way to show that someone satisfies our heart is to rejoice in them. If we find it a pleasure to keep rejoicing, the joy will strengthen our assurance that when Christ comes in glory, we will be with Him and rejoice with Him forever.